Late Morning Unrelatedness Linkin (Park)

Ughz. Last night’s game. Too tough to talk about man. I mean, the Suns could could’ve taken it, but really, coming into it, we were all bracing for a sad loss. Kurt Thomas, bless his triangularly shaped head and funky eyes, didn’t have enough air — can you blame the guy? He needed to play on both ends, perfectly. He did his best but Duncan… man, Duncan, when he retires, his statue should be the one where he’s falling, “pretending” to be unbalanced, and shooting with one hand banking it.

That said, I fully expect, and really BELIEVE the Suns can steal the SBC arena one. Stoudamire and Diaw back in action, rested— and still no Horry, I like those chances.

Okay, some random links for the hell of it

  • Again, obviously the highlight of last night was Pat Burke sighting Miss Gossip (fame whore!) haha, I kidd kidd… 🙂
  • Since I did semi mention Linkin Park (helping you guys with free publicity yo!), damn, their newest ish, isn’t so hot. From Surviving the Golden Age blog, they nailed it on the head as to why:

Although known as a rap/rock group, they hardly ever rap and rock on the same track on this album. The rap tracks sound like could easily be outtakes from Shinoda’s Fort Minor project, and the rock tracks sound much more subdued than their previous metal-infused rock.
Rating: 6.7/10

Yeah, listening to it is obvious it was a much different direction… one I’m not down with. I still like their rap/rock mixing genre where they just created a new sound every new single. I personally wish they’d do those. Ah, the agony of the artists’ mind: “trying new things” or just giving the fan base what they want..

  • Hey cool, *the* sports blogger, Deadspin’s Will Leitch, goes in-depth with The Starting Five’s very nicely done interview. They talk about a number of socially oriented things… though no Unsilent Majority sighting yet
  • You know what? Steve Kerr is very good on the mic. It’s great that he was part of so many championship runs, especially Greg Poppovich’s Spurs — so a lot of his insights last night were so great, not just the usual run-of-the-mill “here’s what happened on the last play”. He tells us why Pop is freakin mad because of a missed assignment. Keep it up Steveo, here’s his column.
  • Mark Cuban… not a big fan of rule changes…? WTF? He’s taking the totally opposite side with this whole situation (because well, almost everywhere I read yesterday says *some* change would be nice)… and I bet it’s got something to do with Suns & Spurs are you know… the rivals of the Mavs…

  1. A.M.

    Great post. About Linkin Park: as I’ve said in some other forums already, most of these guys are into their 30s now (I believe only one of the six is still in his late 20s). I don’t know about you, but wouldn’t it be a little awkward to see these guys rockin’ the spiky hair and black glasses and yelling “Shut up when I’m talking to you!”? I know it’s not the old LP, but man, on the other hand, it’s embarrassing to see rock stars singing the same sh*t for years.

  2. A.M..: Totally, that’s a good point. But I mean, for better or worse, the Mash Up with Jay-Z stuff was only a couple of years old, that was some very inspired stuff (I know a lot folks hated that.. but I liked it).
    So I guess my concern is that their new album doesn’t “feel” or “sound” like anything I’d think “LINKIN PARK”: crazy, creative and inventive. I don’t mind if they have a more ‘grown up’ conscience, but in MtM, the core element of LP’s smart tune (things we haven’t heard before) seems missing.

  3. The Suns can pull this one out of the crapper with Diaw and Stoudemire back for Game 6. If they do that, the series goes back to Phoenix for G7. Faith…

    Wait…oh god, you don’t admit to actually listening to Linkin Park, do you Howie? Their audience is angry teenagers. You’re better than that, dude. Besides, they didn’t do anything rap/rock before 311. Those guys were pretty cool.

    Kerr is really good. I’d love to hear him uncensored. There’s so much he’s holding back being on national TV. “Gregg Popovich is not happy with that sequence at all. Brent Barry is getting the quick hook for what Pop would call “playing with your ass hat on.” Just an unfortunate sequence for San Antonio…”

  4. CC: I will not apologize for memorizing Linkin Park’s “In The End” like an addiction. Hey we were all 15 yrs old once right??

    -No doubt, I think Stoudamire has some thunder from down under he’d like to unleash (he’s Australian right?)


  5. Limpshiznit

    I totally admit to liking Linkin Park (and I am in my mid 30’s) and by my title I also used to like Limp Bizkit back in the day when they too were creative and not sell-outs. I guess I’ll illegally DL the album now instead of wasting my coin, and they wonder why we do that. Cause most albums nowadays suck, unless they’re a new band. Remember thinkign that you got a steal when the first Godsmack CD was only $9.99?? Or the first Papa Roach CD?- lots of angst there. Speaking of Papa Roach, why do most sophomore efforts suck? Papa’s second album blew as does the new Crossfade. These type of things sadden me.

    Oh yeah, basketball. I feel that Marion is the key. If he’s so pissed off at being dissed, left out etc then why doesn’t he COMMAND the ball?? 20 pts first half and like 4 in the second. Even though he has eaily the ugliest shot this side of Bill Cartwright he is still young and explosive that can shoot as well as drive to the hole- Dantoni…. USE HIM!!!

  6. What in hell’s name ever happened to Fred Durst eh? He’s still sporting that cap? (like it went out of style when he was rockin it

  7. Limpshiznit

    For some reason Fred still gets to hang out at the Playboy mansion. I actually met Fred at Ozzfest 98 in Pittsburgh and he signed my lineup card, no lie, “Fred Sux”…. how ironic.

    Back to basketball again. Someone above mentioned that it was good that SA was missing Bob tomorrow night. Does he really even matter other then when down by 3 with time winding down in the game anyway??? Back in the Houston days he was an aight player but now just a 3 pt shooter and cheap shot artist.

    Oh and back to the LP cd, Most of the album that “sound like could easily be outtakes from Shinoda’s Fort Minor project” is probably because Shinoda helped produce the album. What DOES surprise me as that this is a Rick Rubin album which normally means its edgy and damn good. I shall listen to it tomorrow and form my own opinion.

  8. Fred is directing films now – also has given in to a very natural male pattern baldness do.

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    […] guess what? I’ll do a live blog of tonight’s UGGGGhhh Game 7 up in here. I liked the comments coming in from last post, so those around the PC/laptop/brain-injected-internet hookup while watching the Suns and Spurs […]

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