NBA Road Signs

When one drives on the normal road, one must carefully abide by the laws that govern it—for our well being, and avoiding chaos. It is the same deal when we are driving on the Road of the NBA.

The first most important sign is the speed limit at which one must follow carefully. Going too fast will undoubtedly result in an unwanted traffic ticket—in NBA terms: overachieving/peaking too soon (i.e. Orlando Magic).

Consequences of such violation could be dangerous, as high speeds cause severe injuries. Injuries of course may not always be of the physical kind, but of mental ones as well: the elite game of one Carmelo Anthony early on sparked many to forget his troubled activities and embrace his ascension to greatness—but it came to an abrupt halt as highway troopers made sure his license was suspended and made him take a course on “hit and run”.

While driving on the on the path towards the Promised Land, one may take a look at nearby points of interest—historic landmarks if you will. These landmarks are an important cultural learning device for our youths to learn from the mistakes of our elders as well as appreciate the sacrifices they’ve made so that we are benefited from it (those Western teams’ streaks were aided by a lot of these soldiers)

Now that we’re 1/3 into our destination (according to Google Maps), it’s best to look up from time to time so that we don’t miss our opportunity in reaching our end point. Often times when it comes to traveling, either with others or by oneself, we may have neglected to see the proper picture. Then surely it would be inevitable that we continued on the wrong highway, never realizing the error in our judgement.

We would be remiss if we do not ponder on the great names of certain road signs. Such curiosity is helpful in reminding travellers of the significance of those great names. They are without a doubt a typographical snapshot of something amazing that transpired—or else it wouldn’t have been used.

Finally, road trippers, be sure to recognize your turn to leave the highway. Though you want to stay on the highway forever, the fantasy of continuing on the same path cannot realistically be possible. There must be left turns, as there must be right turns (sometimes, even U-Turns).

That is the Law of the Highway. Be aware of it and your travels will be an enriching experience.

UPDATE: Let the world know your road sign fetish by wearing on your chests!

  1. Ms SG: agreed, what WAS that? 😀

  2. SG

    Dude please tell me you put these on t-shirts?

  3. ahh! i was going to waste a post just for that! THANKS A LOT SG FOR RUINING THE SURPRISE!!!!

    (ps: just kiddin’, I love ya!)

    (pps: I have another shirt idea that you might dig)

  4. SG

    I’m sorry. I just saw the Garnett, Artest, Iverson pic and realized I wanted to somehow sport that pic.

  1. 1 NBA road signs | Detroit Bad Boys

    […] Awesome: Howie the Hype created some NBA road signs. […]

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