Archive for March, 2007

…and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!

Well, that and some actual NCAA knowledge, because I have absolutely no idea who’s who. Except for Gonzaga, I sort of know one dude there, but that’s about it (so based solely on that, I’m totally rooting for them.. well, except for what happened.. that’s a no no)

But check dis—HoopsAddict wants to RULE the March Madness pools of all pools and I’ve enlisted to help the worthy cause and here’s the kicker: YOU CAN TOO! Follow the link and join part-ay and we’ll have grand ‘ol timez battling each other for bragging rights! Though no prizes have been announced yet, I hear rumblings that the winner gets to keep the losers’ unborn children! Yiipee!

And for your afternoon delight, here’s a new show I’m shopping for FOX this summer, check it out!

Heyhey, howdy folks. Now now, before we begin. How do I know you’re a redneck? Because your computer moniter is made out of shotguns! ha ha ha… *sigh*

Okay, onto the first topic:

[both Chris and Billy buzzed at the same time]

Jeff: Okay, I think Billy got it first

What?! Hell naw! I buzzed first, so I get to answer! I know this!

Jeff: Now, now, let Billy answer

It’s because of Chlorophyll!

Jeff: That is correct!

Man, fuck this! I had the answer bitch. I’ma bounce, I don’t need this!

[storms out of the studio]

Jeff: … umm.. alright, that ends today’s short show, thanks for tuning in, see you next time on, “Are you smarter than Chris—er..”someone else”!


Lassst night:

“LeBron James & The Cavs Failed to Make It Past The Second Round…

…But What Doesn’t Kill You…

…That’s Right: Kills Your Next Season’s Ability To Beat An Elite Team On The Road When You Had The Chance Of Hitting Free Throws AND Send The Game To OverTime!”

Whew, that was a mouthful.

Not much really to deliberate on LeBron’s poor FT shooting in the past several weeks… other than I have a major conspiracy theory that he’s totally fucking up his form only to be “miracously” great come playoff time. Y’know, like the way he pops an 14 second intro out of nowhere to suprise us non-hip hop folks.

The way he shoots those FTs, it’s so awkward—his upper body is tighter than Tim Hardaway’s ass and his lower body isn’t in full motion when he releases the shot. Ugh. Don’t really want to cite Justin Timberlake, but since you(LBJ) cursed the blogworld’s golden one GilZero on the charity stripe… ‘what goes around, comes all the way back around’ (hey, I like the beat..)

Speaking of beats:

From TSoYA blog, there’s a pretty fucking awesome collabo of Kanye West, Rakim, Nas & KRS-One all bouncing to Premo’s jam

(I’d post the equally nice videography here, but for better or worse wordpress dun’t like too many flash embed, eh)

Heh, I guess that OnSmash site is like the flash video version of

No really, it is–I speaketh the truth. I don’t know what it is about the 06-07 season, but there just seems to be a maelstrom of incredibly weird/odd/shocking/funny in a sad way/sad news as we near the final stages of the regular season, none of which.. has to do with the game itself:

  • nouveau-ball fiasco
  • old-ball fiasco
  • MSG 30 second fisticuffs fiasco
  • Vegas fiasco
  • Fiasco fiasco (that’s so going to be the name of my imaginary metal rap band)
  • Amaechi selling books and the media-caused fiasco
  • Tim Hardaway “[word greater] than fiasco”
  • and now, Cedric Maxwell and his love for breakfast

Maxwell has since apologized here, but from the 300+ comments over at the FanHouse, I’d say Cornbread now has a hard time finding someone to make his…er… cornbread.

Anyways, back to the little point I was trying to go for before making another bad joke: what is up with this season’s off court deal? I mean, for a blogger, YES! But looking at it from a distance, I’d say it’s been hella weird. Maybe having so much media/blog scrutinizing everything, almost nothing falls into the cracks anymore? I’m not sure, just still, weird—I’m expecting any moment that a random player would come out and say they perfected time travel.

Onto the ‘Tacks:

ps: There’s a LOSTmobile now on the island?! WTF?

  • CK on GA—that sound you hear is my mind being blown
  • Money Players looks at retired sports player and their pensions. um.. Yay!
  • !SPOILERz! Heroes is pretty much a fun show with horrible dialogue, and here’s a promo with a reveal of the big boss—and it’s KENNY ROGERS!!
  • An-drea.Bar-gnan-i, here’s what’s insane about his shooting: it’s all upper body. And it’s not that he doesn’t jump, but the bottom half of his body may be off balanced and his shooting form is still good

And finally… a dunk contest gone horribly horribly wrong, but oh so funny (I’m going to hell regardless, but I laughed my arse off):

Note: good way to start a convo with a hot chick though:

“hey, sup? Um.. so uh.. wanna help me out in the dunk contest? Cool!”

[crashes into her]

“Ohhh no!.. I can’t believe I ‘fell’ into you…ha ha ha.”

Repeat steps 1 and 2 = instead love and/or restraining order + medical expenses (whichever..)